Call for proposals for AIDA-2020
Proof of Concept (PoC) funding
AIDA-2020 is launching a call for proposals to support collaborative industry-oriented projects, originating within the general field of detector development and testing.Projects will be selected on a competitive basis to implement actions financed by the Proof-of-Concept fund.
Introduction The Proof-of-Concept fund is a financial support from the AIDA-2020 budget (extent is 200,000 EUR) to help implementation of specific selected actions, within the scope of the AIDA-2020 project. On the basis of commercial viability assessment, the PoC will act as a tool to promote, validate and/or demonstrate the industrial uptake of some selected technologies. The PoC will help bridge the gap between the pure R&D phase and the market applications by reducing the risk (technological but also commercial) for the industrial partners. Additional co-funding from industry, in order to further accelerate the development of new technologies towards industrial applications, is highly encouraged and will be a success factor in obtaining funding from the PoC fund. |
Deadline for submission of project October 20, 2016, 17h00 (CET).
Area Concerned The thematic objective of the call is detector development and testing.
Objectives The aim of the Proof-of-Concept Fund of AIDA-2020 is to help reduce and mitigate the risk for the companies and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), by covering part of the cost for the industrial development and validation of selected technologies. The final objective is to impact the EU industry, enhance innovation capacity and deliver innovation to the market faster.
What projects are eligible? The topics / subjects of the projects that will be considered for the PoC funding should cover spin-off applications outside of particle physics of detector and test technologies.
Who can apply? The institutes submitting the proposals and receiving the PoC funding should be members of the AIDA-2020 consortium. They may have partners from the Collaborating Institutes (listed in Annex 1 of AIDA-2020) or from industry.
Advice from experts The AIDA-2020 collaboration (via WP2) provides assistance to applicants to prepare and present their project proposal. Please send your requests for support to
Timetable After publication of the call on the AIDA-2020 website, 4 months are left for the preparation and submission of the proposal. Proposals will be electronically submitted using the form on the website (see below) and no later than October 20, 2016, 17h00 (CET). No project duration has been defined but all projects must be completed by January 31, 2019, 17h00 (CET).
Application process and Guidelines The proposals shall have to be prepared according to the template provided in Guidelines for PoC proposals A proposal template is available here
Selection process All applications will be subject to a two-step evaluation and selection procedure. The details of this procedure can be found in this document: Applications that do not meet all the eligibility criteria will not be further assessed. Based on the results of the evaluation, final decisions are made by the Management Team and by the WP2 Coordinator of the AIDA-2020 project. Final decisions are communicated to all applicants by email.
Do you have questions regarding this call? Please send your questions to
Authorities responsible for the calls are the WP2 Coordinator, the PoC Evaluation Panel, and the AIDA-2020 Management Team. This call is announced on the AIDA-2020 website and provides funding opportunities for the AIDA-2020 community. |