Detector Innovation Pilot 2020

H2020 Innovation Pilot: detector technologies at accelerators

The European Commission will open in November 2019 the H2020 call INFRAINNOV-04-2019 for advanced communities that have been supported under H2020 and previous Framework Programmes and have reached a high degree of integration at European level. The Innovation Pilot Call will be targeted, with three communities invited to submit proposals in the domains of (i) light source technologies, (ii) accelerator technologies, and (iii) detector technologies at accelerators.

Call for Expressions of Interest

CERN is supporting and coordinating the preparation of a proposal for an Innovation Pilot on detector technologies. Institutes and laboratories interested in participating in the new Innovation Pilot on detector technologies are invited to submit Expressions of Interest for future detector R&D activities to be included in such a proposal and initiative, as described in this guidelines document and using the EoI template.

EoI submission deadline = 15 July 2019

Submissions should be sent to detector-innovation2020 [@]


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