1.AIDA contributed to the improvement and equipment of irradiation and test beam lines:
- new beam line characterisation infrastructure was installed, commissioned at Frascati and is now available to facility users
- a new proton irradiation facility, IRRAD, was designed and constructed in the CERN PS East Area
- a new gamma irradiation facility, GIF++, recently constructed in the CERN North Area was equipped to welcome users
2. An online database,IMHOTEP, on the properties of irradiated material and components was developed and populated with data.
3. A new beam tracking telescope was commissioned and is now available to users.
4. The TASD detector was commissioned and is operational and the MIND detector has been redesigned for the benefit of the neutrino community.
5. The CERN and DESY EDMS systems became operational as data management platforms for common test beam experiments and contain about 150 documents each.
6. The common DAQ is also operational and is used by the telescope community.