Who is eligible to apply for Transnational Access

The Transnational Access programme poses certain restrictions upon the eligibility of users, defined in Article 16.1 of the Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement . The main criteria for eligibility are outlined below.

User group = a research team of one or more researchers led by a user group leader


Who is eligible?

  • The user group leader and the majority of users must work in countries other than the country where the installation is located.

This rule does not apply:

  • If the access provider is an international organisation
  • In case of remote access to a set of installations offering the same type of service and located in different countries
  • Only users groups that will disseminate the results they generate under the project are eligible, unless the users are working for SMEs.
  • Users groups with a majority of users not working in a EU or associated country are eligible, and their access is limited to 20% of the total amount of access units provided in Annex 1. 

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