AIDA-2020 is divided into 15 Work Packages. A Work Package (WP) is a unit of work within the project. The WPs are theoretically independent but they were defined in order to foster synergies in AIDA-2020.
Management and Coordination
Networking Activities
- WP2 (NA1): Innovation and Outreach
- WP3 (NA2): Advanced Software
- WP4 (NA3): Micro-electronics and interconnections
- WP5 (NA4): Data acquisition system for beam tests
- WP6 (NA5): Novel high voltage and resistive CMOS sensors
- WP7 (NA6): Advanced hybrid pixel detectors
- WP8 (NA7): Large scale cryogenic liquid detectors
- WP9 (NA8): New support structures and micro-channel cooling
Transnational Access
- WP10 (TA1): Beam test facilities
- WP11 (TA2): Irradiation test facilities
- WP12 (TA3): Detector characterisation facilities
Joint Research Activities