TRIGA-Mark-III reactor
Built in 1966
There are hot-cell laboratories and various neutron irradiation facilities.
Reactor power 250 kW maximum
Total flux is 4*1012 cm-2s-1 (central channel).
Several in-core and ex-core irradiation channels
Maximum uninterrupted irradiation time is 16h.
Types of irradiation
In-core (fast & thermal neutrons)
- Flux 1-4*1012 cm-2s-1
- Hardness factor ~0.9
- Sample size < 20*7*1 cm3
Dry chamber (thermal neutrons, regenerated fast neutrons)
- Flux <5*108 cm-2s-1
- Bigger samples possible
In-core off mode (gamma)
- Secondary radiation of the core when reactor is off
- Monitored with RADFETS
- 50 Rad/s max, levels off at 20 Rad/s
The preferred method is to send samples for irradiation at the JSI TRIGA-Mark-III reactor. Users are welcome to come with their samples to JSI, but will need to cover their travel costs.
For further details please contact the facility coordinator.