How to Apply     Reimbursement    Contact

The Rudjer Boskovic Institute Accelerator Facility (RBI-AF) is managed by the Laboratory for Ion Beam Interactions (LIBI), which has long experience in testing radiation detectors, mainly by exploiting the IBIC and Time Resolved Ion Beam Current (TRIBIC) techniques at the ion-microbeam. A wide variety of MeV ions can be focused, enabling imaging of charge collection efficiencies with sub-µm resolution. By TRIBIC (similar to Transient Current Technique – TCT) basic detector parameters can be extracted. During the last decade the Facility has been extensively used to test novel structures based on silicon, diamond and other technologies, including novel detectors of interest for High Energy Physics Community.

The facility is equipped with 6.0 MV EN Tandem Van de Graaff and a 1.0 MV Tandetron, equipped with two ion sources that provide a wide range of ions from hydrogen and helium to heavy ions, and number of end-stations, including heavy ion microprobe with imaging spatial resolution by low current techniques down to 250 nm.

At the RBI Accelerator Facility users will be able to study:

• in vacuum and in-air IBIC imaging of charge collection properties using protons of up to 10 MeV with 1 μm resolution and heavier ions on demand; time resolved IBIC (lateral and frontal TRIBIC);

• real-time controlled damaging of small detector areas using protons or heavier ions. For such studies users will have on disposal a heavy ion microprobe and other end stations depending on the actual objectives of the proposed work.

As illustration, proton microbeams are available with energies from 300 keV to about 10 MeV, He ions from 1 MeV up to 12 MeV, carbon ions from 300 keV to 26 MeV.


Transnational access information

The infrastructure can accommodate 4 runs/year, each run with up to 40 hours beam on target. Each run would assume 5 days spent at the infrastructure (each day 8 hours) and includes the necessary preparatory work like sample mounting on specific sample holders, beam irradiation and if possible data analysis. At the end of the run the users will receive all the measurement files and instructions how to proceed with the analysis. Local staff will assist the users even after the run in data analysis to obtain usual IBIC or TRIBIC output data (like for example charge collection efficiency spatial maps) in usable formats.

Each run includes full support of local staff in experiments and data processing. For each run it is expected that one to two users will be present at the infrastructure for five days and be actively involved in all the work phases together with locally assigned staff.


Reimbursement Information

The users of the RBI Tandem Accelerator Facility may receive subsistence expenses only if their project has been approved within the AIDA-2020 Transnational Access mechanism and the costs eligible for reimbursment have been agreed with the RBI Facility coordinator in advance. The costs for one to two external users per project may be reimbursed, depending on the project needs and availability of funds. Costs for travel and accommodation can be reimbursed according to the rules of Ruder Boskovic Institute (RBI) and the Republic of Croatia. Name of the user(s), passport number as well as arrival and departure dates should be provided in advance.

Travel expenses will be directly managed and paid by RBI. The travel expenses cover:

  • Accomodation: Dormitory or 3* hotel/hostel near the Institute (depending on the availability) – reserved in advance by the RBI for user(s)
  • Travel: The most economical form of transportation which is practical must be chosen. Only economy class air travel and second class train travel may be reimbursed. Car travel may be reimbursed at 2 HRK per kilometre. Currently that is approximately 0.26 €/km (May 2015). Max. travel cost that can be reimbursed is at the level of about 400 €.
  • A per diem allowance of  75 HRK (approx. 9,86 € - May 2015) for periods exceeding 8 hours and up to 12 hours and 150 HRK (approx. 19,73 € - May 2015) for period exceeding 12 hours will be paid. Deductions will be made where meals are provided for free.
  • Claims must be made within one week of completing travel.
  • Enclose and return all receipts and tickets in original form including boarding cards with the claim. In the case of e-tickets also attach a copy of the electronic booking confirmation. Whenever is possible, invoices and receipts should be issued/entitled to RBI as business partner.

All persons entitled for travel reimbursement need to have travel order issued by RBI.


For more information please contact Stjepko Fazinic.

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