Projects funded by AIDA-2020 Proof-of-Concept deliver beyond expectations
Daniela Antonio (CERN), 28/04/2020
Picture of a hybrid pixel detector entirely operated via TSVs by wire bonds connecting the RDL layer of the chip’s backside.(Image: WP4).
As AIDA-2020 nears its conclusion, the three projects supported by the project’s Proof-of-Concept (PoC) fund report on their results. The three projects surpassed expectations, with the creation of a start-up that aims to develop detectors for radon monitoring, a licence agreement on product development for radiotherapy, and breakthrough towards use of the TSV (Through-Silicon Vias) technology for better integration of ASIC and MEMS.
The AIDA-2020 Proof-of-Concept fund was set up to foster innovation with a direct societal impact, by funding industry-oriented development projects with the potential of achieving final steps towards commercial applications in the context of AIDA-2020. With a total budget of CHF200’000, three projects have been selected, covering a wide range of applications (radio-therapy, semiconductors, and radon gas monitoring) and making use of the technology and expertise from the wider detector R&D and testing community.
The PoC funding permitted the development of innovative projects and products with direct societal applications, pushing the frontiers of technology and paving the way for future industrial applications. All three projects funded through AIDA-2020 report successful results: all three achieved the development of innovative technologies, and brought those technologies significantly closer to the market. Two of the host organisations signed a licence agreement with companies to transfer the technology to industry. One of the projects resulted in the creation of a start-up company called B.A.Q. As a consequence of the PoC funding, these projects will continue to have positive impact, long after the end of AIDA-2020.
Silicon-based micro-dosimetry system for Advanced Radiation Therapies (SMART)
A project from the Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM-CSIC), in Spain, SMART had as objective to develop a new microdosimetry tool based on silicon microsensors and a multi-channel readout electronics for treatment planning and evaluation in hadron therapy. The system will obtain the bi-dimensional dose distribution of the particle beams as a function of the beam penetration in the tissue. The silicon-based microsensors that are the heart of the SMART system are based on an innovative 3D microfabrication technology developed by IMB-CNM for particle detectors at CERN.
To optimise them for clinical use, the design of the microsensors was further developed in collaboration with CNRS and the University of Santiago de Compostela, who had the necessary expertise in hadron therapy for cancer and in dosimetry. The wafer layout was done at IMB-CNM and included different sensor geometries, including a Medipix-compatible sensor that can be coupled with a Medipix readout chip or its variations (Timepix, Dosepix). Two different multi-channel readout electronics were identified and acquired to create two versions of the microdosimetry system, suitable for different ends. IBIC (Ion Beam Induced Charge) tests of the microsensors were carried out at the Spanish National Centre of Accelerators (CNA), and tests in proton beams at the CNA and the Institute Curie Proton Therapy Center.
It is expected that the application of the SMART microdosimeters will be extended to other areas of radiotherapy. In particular, they are one possible solution to be explored as real-time dosimeters in FLASH therapy (radiotherapy with ultra-high pulse dose rates) in the EMPIR-EURAMET project UHDPulse.
Advanced TSV for Pixel Detectors
A project from the University of Bonn in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute IZM, in Germany, the pixel project focused on the development of advanced Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) for pixel detectors, in particular on standardising the TSV processes. Through Silicon Vias (TSV) are key elements for the high-density vertical stacking of CMOS electronic chips: with the help of this technology, the stacking of CMOS chips with different types of functionality allows the formation of miniaturized electronic systems for several applications. The goal was to develop a compact hybrid pixel-detector module, which can be operated entirely via the backside of the readout chip through the TSV. In 2019, the project concluded with the successful operation and characterisation of several hybrid pixel detector modules in the lab and at a test beam.
One potential application are CMOS readout chips for X-ray imaging detectors. Small and medium-sized enterprises, working in the field of medical imaging and in the production of X-ray cameras for synchrotron applications, are especially interested in the TSV technology for their products The results achieved in the TSV PoC project will have also impact on other fields of application that are currently under development, like packages for high frequency applications. Developments for 5G frequency applications and radiofrequency radar applications are the technology driver in this field and part of running projects with industry.
Radon Dose Monitor (RaDoM)
A CERN (Switzerland) project with the ultimate goal of creating a start-up using CERN technology, RaDoM made use of the AIDA-2020 PoC funding to reach the necessary technical maturity. The new radon monitor would have adequate sensitivity, be easy to operate with minimal training, allow for connectivity to local Wi-Fi network and Bluetooth, perform data analysis, and provide an easy user interface. The prototypes of two innovative radon monitoring devices (RaDoM and RadoNet) were completed at CERN, as well as the development of a cloud based service to collect and analyse the data, to control the measurements, and to drive mitigation measures based on real time data.
The project reached its goals in December 2019 with the conclusion of a license agreement on the RaDoM Technology between CERN and the CERN Spin-off BAQ. BAQ now possesses a non-exclusive license worldwide in the field of radioactive dose monitoring, with the right to sub-license. Their future prospective is to have the first release on the market of the products and services by the end of 2020, and to establish BAQ as an innovative player in the field of radon monitoring and mitigation. The targeting markets will be HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) and IAQ (indoor air quality) such as companies, radon prone workplaces, and public buildings. BAQ will consider only the Italian and Swiss markets for the first four years, and start expanding to the French and/or German market in the fifth year, expected to make up for half the growth between the fourth and fifth year.
Through the AIDA2020 PoC funding, technology originally developed for particle physics experiments has greatly benefited the fields of radiotherapy, telecommunications, and environmental monitoring, respectively. These three projects will have a direct impact on the health, quality of life and life expectancy of millions of people, on 5G frequency applications and radio-frequency radar applications, and in the development of smart cities and homes, helping prevent public health issues. True to its goals, the PoC funding has helped some of the most advanced technologies in the world to realise their potential for applications outside particle physics, and bridge the gap between fundamental research and its market applications, through collaboration with Industry.