AIDA-2020 first Annual Meeting announcement
Jennifer Toes (CERN), 27/05/2016

The first annual meeting of the AIDA-2020 (Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators) project will be held at DESY (Hamburg, Germany) over 13th-17th June.

Project members are invited to attend the meeting to present their own first year results, discuss the work to be achieved in the year ahead, and to share ideas and collaborate face to face with other project members.

The meeting agenda features a range of plenary sessions, as well as dedicated work package parallel meetings. A special 1-day workshop event at the start of the week focuses on “Energy and time measurement with High Granularity Silicon Devices”.

The social programme includes a workshop reception on Monday 13th and a project reception on Tuesday 14th. A conference dinner will be held at the Hamburg Fisch-markt on Thursday 16th June.

For further information regarding the meeting and its agenda, please refer to the AIDA-2020 1st Annual Meeting Indico page. If you are attending the meeting, please make sure you have registered your participation and prepared all necessary presentations in advance by 20th May.

If you have any further inquiries, please contact the AIDA-2020 Local Organizing Committee via

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