Transnational Access videos for AIDA-2020
Jennifer Toes (CERN), 27/05/2016
A screenshot of the TA video for the facility at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Croatia (Image: INFN)
To maximise the reach of AIDA-2020’s Transnational Access programme, Work Package 2 will produce a series of informational videos showcasing each facility that is available to members of the project under this programme.
AIDA-2020 offers the chance to conduct experiments at ten European research facilities to project members via its TA programme at no cost to the user. The facilities, at eight different institutions across seven countries, provide a range of equipment combined with technical and administrative support.
From beam and irradiation testing equipment to detector characterisation, the facilities offered to project members cover a range of detector technologies that will allow users to conduct tests they otherwise may not be able to. The goal of the programme is to ensure the best project research can be conducted regardless of financial or geographical barriers.
To promote this resource, WP2 will work collaboratively with INFN to film footage of the following institutions: CERN, DESY, JSI, KIT, UCLouvain, UoB, RBI, and ITAINNOVA. The videos will include footage of the facilities offered and feature interviews from facility coordinators or users.
Members wishing to take advantage of this programme are eligible to apply for access to any facility based in a country in which the majority of the user group do not work. Although in the case of CERN, an international organisation, users are not restricted by this criteria. In addition, all results from the project must be disseminated unless users are from an SME.
For further details on the eligibility requirements, please consult the AIDA-2020 project website.