5th Test Beam Workshop in 2017
Jennifer Toes (CERN), 21/10/2016

The Fifth Annual Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop will be held in Barcelona, Spain over 24-27th January 2017. Registration will be open soon. Following the success of 2016’s Paris meeting, the fifth instalment of this workshop will continue to bring together members of the test beam and detector R&D communities to present recent advancements in the field, and foster community-wide discussions and collaborations.

The workshop will cover a wide variety of topics related to test beams, such as software for test beams, sensor R&D, data acquisition and data analysis. In addition, the workshop will go beyond previous years on the topic calorimetry, including the use of silicon technology and data acquisition system development for calorimetric detectors.

The 4th edition of the workshop held in Paris in 2016 attracted over 60 participants, and next year’s workshop looks set to exceed that number.

“This is an optimal place to get started on test beam planning or to get helpful advice from the experts,” said Dr Hendrik Jansen, one of the workshop organisers. “All in all, this workshop serves as a melting pot for communities involved in test beam based detector R&D and is the only event with this special scope.”

More information about the workshop can be found on its event page. Be sure to register before 23rd December 2016 to reserve your place.

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