Academia Meets Industry with AIDA-2020
Jennifer Toes (CERN), 29/05/2017
Participants of the AIDA-2020 Academia Meets Industry event visiting the exhibition booths and posters (Image: CERN)
The AIDA-2020 project hosted an interdisciplinary academia meets industry (AMI) event focused on medical imaging and image processing in conjunction with its second Annual Meeting in Paris, France in April 2017.
The event was organised by AIDA-2020’s Work Package (WP) 2, coordinated by the Knowledge Transfer office at CERN. It brought together over 60 members of both academic and industrial communities across Europe. Participants were encouraged to exchange knowledge and discuss areas of common interest between medical applications and high-energy physics (HEP).
Aurelie Pezous, CERN Knowledge Transfer Officer and WP2 coordinator, said “It was very encouraging to see people from both HEP and industry talking to one another face to face and having discussions they may not have had the opportunity to have otherwise.”
Speakers focused their talks on four specific areas from the theme: scintillators, equipment for computer tomography (CT), nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scanning, machine learning and data treatment. In addition to the presentations, the event featured an industry-focused exhibition comprised featuring booths and posters from 11 companies and organisations.
Recent developments in scintillator materials were covered by two companies; Crytur and Hamamatsu. Crytur has achieved a 1µm intrinsic resolution with crystals grown using the Czochralski method. Hamamatsu detailed its experience in the manufacture, inspection and mounting of multi-pixel photon counters (MPPC), to which Lutetium Fine Silicate (LFS) scintillators can be integrated.
Equipment for CT, MRI and PET
Several organisations also presented on developments of new equipment and techniques for CT (computerized tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and PET (positron emission tomography) imaging.
Renishaw Mayfield detailed high precision measurement and robotics tools for treating neurological conditions such as epilepsy. Inviscan highlighted the importance of understanding the market through partnership with industry. Weeroc presented its specialisation in radiation hard front-end electronics used in PET imaging. I-see computing demonstrated software which models and analyses the response of human tissues respond to radiation treatment.
In addition, projects such as PRaVDA (Proton Radiation Verification and Dosimetry Applications) detailed work on proton CT imaging, whilst INSIDE (INnovative Solutions for dosimetry in hadron therapy) and the Crystal Clear Collaboration presented their approaches and technologies for improving PET imaging.
Machine learning & data treatment
Researchers also presented their own research into machine learning for imaging and image processing in medical settings. The use of brain imaging combined with software and databases may allow researchers to build up knowledge on specific conditions and provide predictive patterns for treatment effectiveness or response.
Booths from members of industry and posters were also displayed in an exhibition, available for attendees outside between talks.
AIDA-2020 will host a second Academia Meets Industry event in 2018.