AIDA TA Video Feedback
Jennifer Toes, 20/10/2017
Earlier in 2017, the AIDA-2020 project produced ten informational videos on the ten facilities available under its Transnational Access (TA) scheme.
The scheme provides support to users to access ten detector testing infrastructures across seven different European countries. The facilities available offer beam testing, irradiation, and detector characterisation.
The video series aimed to provide potential users with an easily accessible reference point on both the technical and administrative capabilities of each infrastructure, as well as giving a feel for the atmosphere of the facility.
After visiting all ten infrastructures and interviewing their Facility Coordinators, the videos were published in instalments from late 2016 to April 2017.
Now, AIDA-2020 wants to hear from you.
Please take this short survey on the videos so we can gather feedback and assess how to improve in the future.
For any further questions or comments, please get in touch with